Now, we've learned the origin of Shadow, to an extent. As it turns out, I NEVER DIED! I'm not sire which is a bigger shock: dying and coming back, or what Dhalsim said. I was "clinically dead," but not 100% dead. He, with Bison forcing him, attempted to--enhance me. I guess they did, sorta. I'm not sure if that's what he wanted or not. I'm not really sure if I want an answer. Now, we are seeking out an answer to the origin of Shadow Li. I wonder what Dhalsim will say this time.

I've heard it said that the truth is ugly; and that it can be painful. For a little while now, my demon seems to have come to life! Why, or even how, I have no idea. There is only one way that I've heard, and I don't think that works. The--conditions--weren't there. So, that leaves me to wonder: how did Bison make Shadow Li?!

"Chun Li? You look as pale as a ghost. Are you sure you want to do this?"

Chun Li was breathing heavily; her eyes seemed to be partly blood-shot. She looked like she was fading.

After several minutes of walking in silence, she let out a heavy sigh, replying, "Yes, I am.If any part of what Dhalsim told you could have happened to me, for any amount of will add to my desire to grind him into the dirt. If I was unconscious. and that sick bastard...I WILL KILL HIM!"

It has sometimes been said that "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."--Chun Li's possessed

Those are the thoughts that dwell in the mind of the tormented Chun Li. As a child, she bore witness as the evil Bison brutally murdered her father, a memory that continues to plague her dreams and memories, even well into her adult life. Over and over, it plays, in a never ending sea of agony. It will continue to haunt her until she breaks Bison, or so she hopes. Yet deep down, she can't help but wonder, will it really end her Hell, her pain, her nightmares. Then, she has another thought, which hurls her previous thoughts to the void. What if it becomes worse? The thought of revenge quells her firey hatred ...only to be filled with regret...about killing. She must stop Bison, but to what ends. Is she willing to sacrifice her life, her very being, in her quest to destroy the dreaded master of Shadowloo!

"Welcome my friends. Welcome Chun Li, Charlie. You are most timely in your arrival, as I knew you would. I'm sure there is much you would like to learn, and I know that you have come to seek me out for answers; about Shadow Lady. If you are ready, I shall begin," and he waited for her to voice the answer he knew she would give him.

She looked at Nash, attempting to read the expressionless remark of the silent soldier. She would have had a better chance of fighting the four Kings of Shadowloo as opposed to reading Charlie Nash. She turned back to Dhalsim, and he began the tale of Shadow Li.

"It all began a few years back. You confronted Bison, and had taken him by surprise. His mind was still on the disappearance of Charlie when you came. You were all set, or so you thought. You told him his rights, as is your duty. Unbeknownst to you, he was building up power. He insulted you, and before you could respond, his empowered fist struck you, and your world turned to darkness. When you awoke, you were in a hospital. Your superiors were there to make sure you were still alive."

"Dhalsim, I already know this. I want to know what happened in the black-out!"

"Patience, Chun Li. Dhalsim will tell you. Just give him some time."

"It was about three days after Shadow when you came. I sat patiently, awaiting my fate. Whenever I wasn't eating, sleeping, or working for Bison, I would spend my time meditating, and seeing what I could find. Then, I saw you, though much younger. Even at that stage in your life, you had power matched by few warriors in this world. So well are you, that he couldn't sense you until the second before you connected, and you took him down to his knees. Then, well, you know what happened...Bison wanted to use you for the experiment. I advised against it, as Charlie was `dead,' whereas you were merely unconscious. He laughed, and said, 'If it doesn't work, she can be reunited with her father.' Thus, we began."

Dhalsim took a moment to breath, and allow Chun Li or Charlie to ask any questions. They looked on, clinging to every word he said.

"My mind was still occupied with Shadow and what had occurred to Charlie. Bison had summoned me to appear before him. At best, I could only phantom what he would want. I then heard a loud crash come from where you were. I went there, but I went with caution. I wasn't about to be attacked by another Shadow. I arrived to see Balrog shouting out orders."

"Hey, yo! Doc, you made this mess! Now, do something!"

I had no idea as to what he was talking about, but I saw some troopers fly into Balrog, parts of a door went flying with them. I then saw Shadow Lady emerge from the smoke and dust. There was no sign of Chun Li, but then again, at the time, all I could see was Shadow Lady, and the chaos around us. There was a gleam in her eyes, and a few missiles were fired at me. I warped away, only to learn that they were heat-seekers. I warped to the next floor, and they exploded through the floor. I was just able to get out of the way. A few seconds later, I came back. The entire floor was filled with bodies. Balrog powered out of the wreck that had fallen on him, mad. There was no sign of you, and Bison was irate. He then got engaged in the stealing of the nuclear subs. When Guile and the rest of you came; I vanished with the rest to the other tournament...just to ease your mind, he didn't do what you feared he did."

"...Thank you, Dhalsim. Still, there is much left unanswered. What now?"

"I can only tell you what I told Charlie--only your Shadow knows for sure. I am sorry, but that is all I know," and he wished them luck, excepted their thanks, and returned to meditating.

Chun Li and Charlie walked for a while, each wondering what were the Shadows REALLY. Their wondering is about to end.

"Charlie, Chun Li, it's time for us to have a talk," spoke a ghostly Charlie voice.

"It is time to get the answers to your question," added a hauntingly Chun Li voice.

Chun Li and Charlie turned back, and saw Shadow and Shadow Li standing behind them, blank faces of death looked through them...

The Shadows
Acess Denied
