Riot Of The Blood-HE Returns


Each of them had been hit hard by the attacks. It had been a bit since they had felt his power; they had forgotten how strong he was. Even Leona, with her Orochi Blood, had a hard time fighting him. Her chances were, of course greater, and she lasted longer. However, she lost control, and there, Goentiz took her down.

Clark groaned. First he had his face smashed by Ryuji--and it shattered his favorite shades! After this was over, he was going to have a little grudge match with him...if he survived. It was a miracle that Goenitz hadn't killed them this time. He hit Ralf and him with every move he had! Finally it was too much.

"Leona?" Ralf gasped.

He wasn't sure if the pops in his body were worth it, until he saw what his best friend did: Leona was laying, in a unnaturally twisted way. She was beat up, badly! He couldn't even begin to tell where she was bleeding, and where it was merely just running down her.

As if in one thought, the two men, who were nearly brothers, were on their feet. Their goal; a short distance away where they saw orange and purple flames flying, mixed with twisted winds.

"Ah, what's wrong? Were you kids expecting me to merely vanish, without some major improvements in my skills? I think not. You've improved, and learned new skills, but I am still stronger."

"Shut up, Goenitz!" Kyo answered, fiercely.

"Die, ya worthless bum!" Iori followed.

"You boys are so rude! Has it never occurred to you, that maybe, the lady would like to dance!"

Goentiz summoned a blast, knocking Iori, and then Kyo down.

"Hey there, cutey. Care for a little dancing?"

"Don't flatter yourself, ugly! I would rather put up with Iori and Kyo's bickering!"

"That can be arranged, as I send you all to Hell! I..."

"Ready, Clark!"


The two men went into a series of movements, before one final pose, and began, a combo that had taken a long time to perfect...for this moment.

They each shot in, twisting, and hitting Goenitz from in front, and behind, with their fists, before launching him into the air. They then each went into their Vulcan Punches. Clark's was faster, allowing him to juggle Goenitz, while Ralf's set him afire. Clark grabbed him, for a Ultra Argentine Back Breaker! After the final break, Clark dumped him, followed by dropping an elbow onto his back. Ralf tackled him, and went for a Mounted Vulcan Punch! Each fist was covered in flames, so that by the time the final explosion was hit, it blew Ralf off of Goenitz, and into Clark.

"Whew!" both men let out, as they fell to their knees, exhausted.

"Impressive, for mere humans. But now..!"

Goenitz took both men up, one in each hand, and engulfed them in a storm of madness, the look in his eyes were that of a soul possessed. Such darkness, and such evil...each wondered how to survive this one.

Then, too weak to speak, but their thoughts were one again; LEONA!

She leapt in, and struck, then, as she shot up, taking Goenitz with her, the ghastly skull came once more.

Now, none of the Ikari members moved, too weak and having spent all their reserves.

"A most noble gesture, little girl. Too bad! It's over! Eh!"

Goentiz just had time to move back, to avoid one of Kyo's flames.

"I hope you didn't forget about us, dude!" Iori smirked.

"Good, for a minute, I was afraid that I would be bored! Come on!"

Three rapid twisters sent the team scattering. If they couldn't be together, than they couldn't use their specialty. He knows this, and will exploit it.

Iori went for a Crescent, only for Goenitz to warp, and almost fall into Kyo's Smash. Ever the master, Goenitz merely tripped Kyo out of the attack. Now open, Iori caught him in his Deadly Flower. No sooner was he up, then four fists of fire from Kyo put him back down.

Chizuru stood there, watching. She was half distracted from her duty. She wanted to be there, and feel his throat between her hands. She knew that it was foolish, though. She had to build herself up, so that she could not only recreate the seal, but to make it strong enough to seal Goentiz. He was a very strong Orochi, some say that he's second only to Orochi--and she didn't doubt it. For so strong a man, she would need to take a very long time to build up the seal, to contain him once more.

She also admired the three friends from Brazil. Time and again, when the odds were against them, and they seemed sure to be down and out, one of them found something to fight for. Then, as if they each mind-linked, the others were all right there. They were like a large, undivided family.

Yet, there was so much to divide them. Their leader, Jedrin, was very--"by the book." He was like Leona's father, but outside of her now having his last name, and their special salute, nothing much happened. Of course, Rugal killing off his own daughter and wife, were plenty of reason to be cold...

She then thought to Leona. They had become a sort of sisters, in a way that Ralf and Clark had become brothers. They each had so much in common, it was very uncanny. They did have their differences, too, but it didn't hurt their friendship.

She almost laughed, when Leona had told her about her--problem with Ralf and Clark. She almost wished she had that problem...then again, with the guy she had come to known, maybe she should be glad of what she had.

What had happened Ed? It had been a long time since she had even heard rumors regarding his whereabouts. It wasn't like she was actually looking, though. She, along with Kyo, and the others, were getting ready for this. It was only on that night, when Mary came up to visit her, that she had spent a lot of time thinking of him. She wondered...

"Chizuru!" yelled Iori.

"Kagura!" choked Kyo.

"Game over!" finished Goenitz.

He had them each by their throats, and was choking the life out of them. She couldn't believe how distracted she had become--over a man, who hadn't wanted her to follow him. It was...

"Guck!" gurgled Goenitz, dropping the men he had been choking.

"Ed?!?" was all Kagura could say.

"You, Bastard! It's time you paid for all your wrongs! DIE!"

A brilliant light shone outward, causing the three to instinctively shield their eyes. Only Kagura had a faint idea as to what it was...The Sealing, done in combination by an Orochi and Guardian, as one!

When it was over, he stood, eyes still having a faint glow of the light. Goentiz lay on his back, his eyes now a blank and empty void.

"Hold it!" Iori demanded, but was ignored, as he began to walk away.

"You've got some things to answer!" Kyo yelled, but he kept walking.

"Ed! Wait!" Kagura began.

For a second, he did. Then, without looking back, he went on.

"I think he will wait," began a young voice.

They all stopped, and look back, to see Chris, floating.

"That was what was needed. He served me well. Now Ed, I believe you want--Orochi!" Chirs said, now in Orochi's voice.

He then dropped to his knees, powered up, and Orochi walked the Earth once more!

Well, it's taken me long enough, hasn't it? Get ready, because there's just one more fight after this. Then, we see, The End!

