Street Fighter Legends-Shadows.
I do not approve at all as to how recent events have taken shape. It has gone too far. It all began with my stealing of the world’s top nuclear submarines: The Shadow, from the United States; The Thor, from Japan; The Anita, from Great Britain; The Reiko; from Russia; and The Rain, from China. The U.N. sent in a special forces unit to try and undermine my plot. At first, I was surprised that it was lead by my old friend, Guile. Then, I had a blast when we finally met; my psycho powers let me KICK HIS ASS! Then, events went beyond my control--I despise that!
A god of sorts took us, and several other Street Fighters, into a dark void. I don’t think there had been so many at one time before then. There may be more soon, thought Bison as his psycho powers exploded with his sinister laugh. Then, some images flooded into his vile mind. He saw Charlie. No, it wasn’t him, or was it? There was a being known only as Shadow.
Shadow was virtually identical to Charlie. They had the same moves, abilities, and even seemed to possess the same style of thinking! Even their clothes were a copy of each other. There was a noticeable difference: Shadow’s skin was the color of the Shadows. Mist-like shadows also seemed to surround him and his attacks. Who was Shadow, and what was the connection to Charlie? A dooplanger? Clone? An insane ploy? Dark side? Ghost?
Then there was Shadow Lady or Li. She was to Chun Li what Shadow was to Charlie. However, there were more, drastic changes. Li had a short range drill (which brought an image of Apocalypse and his drill to Bison’s warped mind). She also had a sort of homing missile. Her electric attack seemed to mimic Necro’s, while one of her supers bore a sort of resemblance to the Proton Cannon. Speculation also hinted that she may have a move not unlike the Raging Demon.
This was all very strange. The more Bison dwelt upon it, the stronger his obsession became to control it. He knew a connection lay somewhere, but the connection was evading him. Then, he felt the cowering presence of one of his lackeys.
"What is it? This had better be important, if you value your life!"
Trembling, a hand gave Bison some important looking documents.
Bison’s powers exploded, shattering much of the surrounding room, and sending the lackey running, plagued by a nightmare to never forget.
"So, it’s time once more. The Shadows will have to wait, while I attend to business!" and his mad laughter echoed throughout Shadowloo.
"Dhalsim, after all that we have been through, the least you can do is answer without speaking in riddles!"
"I’ve already told you, Guile. I don’t have an exact idea..."
"To Hell!" Blanka interrupted, "There are several things you were forced to do for Bison. You turned me into...this. You know about that, you’ve told me! Now, why won’t you tell us about Charlie and Shadow? What is the big difference?"
"Alas, Blanka, there are several. For a time, I was a prisoner of Bison, as were you. As we all know, I was shot down and landed on a bed of rocks. Guile came, but I was dying. I insisted that Guile complete the mission. I was `dead,’ or so we thought. As it turns out, through both yoga and Bison’s Psycho Powers, they ripped open my grave and had me transferred to Shadowloo, resealing an empty coffin. Try as they may, whatever had happened to me, they couldn’t undo. Then, I disappeared, and Shadow came into being."
"You have to know more, Dhalsim. What he found in the notes wasn’t all. If you know, please tell us," Guile asked, in a partial plea.
"Are you sure? This will prove unnerving, perhaps..."
"It never is. Please, we have all been through so much, with wannabe gods, gods, and mutants. Enlighten us," ended Blanka.
"Very well. As I had told Bison, by combining the teachings of Yoga and his powers, we could repair the damage to Charlie’s body--in theory. Cuts, bruises, and the like would slowly vanish. Internal damages to bodily organs, bones, and his brain could take several months, or even years, especially the brain. Your face looked like, well, Meat. How long, I couldn’t even guess. Then, there’s your soul. That is something difficult to track, even with the powers of Yoga. In fact, only he most exceptional and gifted masters may accomplish this. I’m as of yet to that level."
"I don’t want to seem rude, but GET ON WITH IT!"
"Easy Guile. I don’t want to miss any of this. It is what happened to me!"
"Each and every waking moment, I was to work on Charlie. He gave me almost total freedom, as long as I didn’t try to escape. He knew I wouldn’t, for I had a responsibility. He was also surprisingly patient. As I found out, he wanted this done so that he could have an army of warriors to resurrect, ensuring total loyalty from his followers. For what could be more valuable than immortality, of any form? We had finally healed his body, yet could not tell if the soul was still with him. Bison insisted on the next phase. We would at set intervals use Yoga and Psycho to--enhance Charlie. First, we’d use Yoga. I persuaded him on this on a few points. As his is more explosive, it could kill Charlie, wasting all of our hard work. Secondly, we knew I had more experience in `restoring life,’ so I should start. If you reacted well, Bison would prepare for the next. You took both well. Then, came the deciding moment, when we would both use our powers on you."
"Why have you stopped?" Blanka demanded, "There is still more!"
"Charlie, you seem like you’ve seen a ghost."
"I...go on, Dhalsim."
"At that, you seemed to spring to life. Bison glowed. I must admit, I was excited myself. Perhaps we both were expecting too much, for you then returned to before. Finally, we went back to the schedule. After a week, just before my next chance, an aura of darkness came for you. Thus, Shadow lived! I looked at you both, but Shadow took me out with a Sonic Boom Barrage. After that, I know nothing. I was found by Bison. Through torture, he learned what had happened. Shadow and Charlie were gone!"
"But what happened to me after?"
"I’m sorry. I don’t know that. The only one who would is Shadow, and I don’t know how to reach him."
"What about Shadow Li?" inquired Guile.
"That is another story. We will have to wait, for it’s not right to talk about this without Chun Li. Until then, it must wait. Eh?"
They all turned to see one of Dhalsim's followers enter, with invitations.
Wedding Crash
Shadowy Revalation