Riot Of The Blood - Reunion?
For the first time in 660 years, there's been a world wide Awakening. Not just any awakening, but the awakening of the clan of The Bloodline, The Orochi Clan. 660 years ago, the ancestors of the Kasunagis, Yagamis, and Yatas joined together to seal of Orochi. In a fight to the bitter end, the clans fought to seal off Orochi himself. If left unchecked, then his destiny of leading us into chaos would succeed. This plan was halted by these three.
However, a few years ago, a man calling himself Goenitz broke the seal, unleashing the darkness once more. As of yet, all of the descendants of the clans have been able to do is to hold him and his followers off. Orochi continues to push, and his followers continue to grow, both in strength and number. The inevitable WILL occur, and is only a matter of time.
Somewhere in Japan, an inferno rages in what had been a quiet cafe an hour ago. Now, flames were devouring it. What was most frightening was the source. It was from Yuki's boyfriend, Kyo. She was scared. Why was he doing this to her cafe?
For those unfamiliar with them, the flames literally came from Kyo. He summoned them. They rested on the tips of his fingers, until unleashed.
"Kyo! What's wrong with you? This isn't you! Please, don't do this!" Yuki begged of her love.
Alas, there'd be no reasoning with him. He was in a Blood Riot. Once in a Blood Riot, all sense is lost! Friend and foe are no more. Any that get in their way, suffer. Friendships have ended, families have been destroyed, and lovers have killed in cold blood--though each Rioter is not in control. It is like they are possessed.
"NOOO!" screamed Yuki as Kyo's body became engulfed in his own flames, and he unleashed them at her.
"NO!" Kyo yelled as he awoke. He then felt the presence of two old friends, or at least he hoped they would be friends.
"Goro...Benimaru...I don't know what to say..."
"Don't say anything, Kyo. I don't wish to be here. I'm having to forfeit my title match."
"Come now, Benimaru. It won't hurt you, seeing as how you already hold 7! Kyo has been your best friend, and while you've had your--differences--I don't want to see it ended. Kyo's been called, and you know what I mean. We've shared so much, let us not trash it now," and he motioned for the two to come toward him.
After a quick glance, Kyo approached Goro.
Benimaru hesitated. He had been treated like a second fiddle for so long. On his own, he won more contests than he had dreamed. He held 7 titles. This was because those 7 kept him too busy to focus on others. He looked at them, and recalled the events of '97. Had Kyo not stood up to Orochi until Iori joined him, they could all be dead.
"All right. This is more of a thanks for fighting off Orochi. If you didn't, we'd all be dead," and he took his friends hands. Each smiled: Japan's strongest team has reunited!
While Kyo and his friends were having a reunion, Yuki and Chizuru accompanied Leona as she went on a path to explore her soul, and her destiny. She was taking yet another look at her demons, some of which have been fatal.
She thought back to events that had occurred earlier. She felt another of the Blood in a Riot. This triggered her calling, as it has done for others. She fell to the ground, seemingly dying a violent death.
Clark and Ralf tried to help her, but what did she do? In the insanity of the Riot, she took down two of her closest friends, one of which was the man she loved. She knew it wasn't her fault, yet she felt guilty, even afraid. She had no control of herself. When she hurt her friends, and killed the thugs, it was like she was merely an observer, nothing more. Leona couldn't think of anything worse. Then, she did.
It was the young guy who had been in the Blood Riot. His power seemed to bear an uncanny similarity to Goenitz's.
Damn you! Leona thought; he was the one who had awakened her, and had her do her worst sin ever. Yet this one was much younger. As the last scum dropped into eternal night, he leapt over a fence and gave a maniacal, yet familiar yell. Just as suddenly, the aura of the Blood seemed to be removed, and replaced by one of the Guardian! Ed was 1/2 of each: 1/2 Hell-bent on our demise, 1/2 obsessed with stopping them. To have both fighting for control of him...
"Hello, tramps. It's time to set up the wheels, whether you want to or not. Your BS has gone on long enough!"
"You! Ryuji Yamazaki?" gasped Kagura, "What do you want?"
"What's the matter, babe? Didn't you hear what the man said?" spat Iori sarcastically, as some men surrounded the three women.
"What is this, Iori? Next to Kyo, the man you hate most is Ryuji. Why are you two together?"
"Simple. I want to give that coward lover of yours grief, period. I can't think of a better way than to kill you, Yuki!"
"However, as Chizuru has interfered before, I'm to eliminate this member of the Guardian. Orochi's forbidden us to fight (for now), so we've reached some...common ground."
"I don't think so," spoke Leona softly, but with authority.
"Ah, the little tramp has finally gotten enough guts to stop crying. I wonder, which is more upsetting: The time that you killed your folks as a kid, or 97's fiasco? You, like I, heeded the call of Orochi. Poor baby. You still loose control, according to what some of these guys say. You even attacked your teammates, and friends. Perhaps, ever your love!"
"Shut up! Burn in Hell, Bastard!"
With a snap, the thugs moved in. Leona and Chizuru not only had to defend themselves, but Yuki, who isn't a fighter. It was obvious that they were merely to exhaust the girls, making them easy for the madmen. Chizuru used her powers to keep them away from her and Yuki. Leona took the fight to them, as was the way of the Bloodline. As it dragged on, they became desperate. Leona favored her Rebel Spark. Her hands clamped into a guy's stomach, and he was paralyzed. She turned, and once her arm fell, and explosion occurred, killing him and a few others.
Finally, they were either dead, or out. Yamazaki made his move. He dashed in, lifted Kagura by her throat, and smashed his skull into her's. Leona collapsed; the calling was too much, and she passed out. Only Yuki was left.
"Hm...those bums were lame, but did their job. Now, Yuki, die!"
Faster than either could react, Iori was hit by a series of attacks similar to Kim Kapwhan's, only it ended in a Frankenstiener. Ryuji had withdrawn his dagger and was going to kill Chizuru, but was met with the same attack that downed Iori.
"Not bad, for a mere boy. But it'll take more than you to down me!"
"So, you are the 1/2 breed. Interesting, but sadly Ed, you DIE!" and Iori finished with his insane laugh, and was ready to unleash his own onslaught, as was Ryuji.
"STOP!" commanded Orochi, sending a barrage of dark orbs to separate them.
"Orochi! What is this?"
"I told you and Iori, now I shall tell you, Ed: My children, I forbid you from fighting amongst ourselves."
"What?" demanded Iori, "He's a member of the Guardian! He is nothing!"
"No. Already, the Dark Power rages through him, driving out Yata. Goenitz has done well. Now, depart!" commanded the Dark One.
"You are lucky, boy! Only as a member of our clan are you allowed to live. Otherwise, Ryuji and I would waste you!"
"Since we can't enjoy the screams of death; here's the Bloody truth. Your memory's a blank, eh? Your father committed treason, by marrying and having a child with a Kagura. As a gift, when Goenitz found them, he awakened you. You slaughtered your own folks. That makes you and Leona the youngest ones to have been called. She's older, so she was called first, but you get the idea. Something for you to remember us by!" and the devils took off.
"NO! YOU LIE!" but some more fragments were ripped open from deep within. Under Orochi, he had killed his folks, or so it seemed.
This drove him mad, although it was also another calling. Which caused which may never be known. He saw some of the wounded trying to move, breath, and go...and was all he needed. He lashed out at any who moved. Bones were broken. Blood flowed like a river. A violent storm was unleashed.
Yuki looked on, horrified. She saw what her Kyo could become, and she was worried. Was this what he could be? She wanted to try and help this possessed soul, but was too filled with fear. If she moved, she knew he'd kill her. She then gasped as the last fell, and his own wind threw him into a wall! He sat there, looking off into nowhere, breathing heavily as Yata forced control once more.
How long the two were out was unknown, but Ed and Yuki were both there. Leona and Kagura then came to, though each were hurting. They saw where Yuki was looking, and were shocked. Ed had stopped breathing hard, and seemed to be in a trance.
"Why...did you kill them?" Kagura asked, but was met with silence.
"Easy, Chizuru. It...wasn't his fault. The Blood took him. Remember what you had told me?"
Ed got up, and looked around, as if he didn't want to know what happened.
"Can you tell me why you came to our aide? I thought you didn't..."
"I don't! I did what I did, and I don't have to answer to you!"
"Oh, please! Spare us the tough guy act. You may be able to do that with these two, but not with me. Your Riot triggered mine, and I want some answers. I'm sure you don't want to get in another fight."
"Bah! You got your butts beat by those two, yet I faced them off. You want to...come on!"
"Wait!" Yuki pleaded, "You didn't have to risk your life for us, yet did. Please, would it hurt to tell us why?"
"You have my word that it will be between us only," Chizuru added.
"Who knows! Maybe it's because you were the first one in my entire life to be nice to me, without being deceitful or wanting something back. That is a trait I truly respect. Kyo has Yuki. Ralf has Leona. Me, I merely exist...I've been through more Riots today than I care to think about. Look at all these bodies! There is no reasoning during a Riot! I won't take that risk! If I was to kill...I would probably be easy pray for Orochi, as I'd have no will to resist--after such a deed. I will not drag someone I may care about into that path of destruction. G'night!"
"You mentioned Yuki and Leona. As for me..? "
He turned back to look at them all, nodded, and was gone.
Nightmare Memories
True Hatred