Hey! I'm working with some people on doing some graphic novels. If you want to see what we're doing, check out http://groups.myspace.com/allstarr!
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I have rewritten the entire Riot Of The Blood fanfic,. There's been heavy editing. Some chapters are entirely cut. I've already decided to remove some of the cast, but will not be making any additions.
This fic is set after 97 ends, but before 99 (98 never *officially* happened, it was just something to fill time, not tied in with KOF's sotry). Also, this fic is independant of my KOF 1-shots, so what is said between these two aren't contridictions; jsut different outlooks. ROTB was originally written in 98, the 1-shots were written in 01.
I hope the changes are for the better, and that ver 2 proves to be more enjoyable, with not as dark a mood as ver 1.
Hope you enjoy the fics, the pics, and the music. :]
New Blood
Pact Of Darkness
Finding The Way
oweaponx@angelfire.com E-mail me! Now that I finished with Riot, what am I doing now? Here is where to find out!