Kitana looks like she's no older than 30 (or 35).
Then, there's the issue with the dark sides: Evil Ryu, Shin Akuma, XSakura, and Marvel Ken, in addition to Akuma and Bison. When Akuma released the power of The Raging Demon, it unleashed a plague that alters the very existence of some of the noblest warriors alive. Yes, Ken can be a fool, as I had taken him to be at one time. However, he has proven himself when his friends are in their darkest hours. He was in the middle of the fight between Street Fighters and Khan's extermination squad. I think he nearly leveled Rain, after Cammy downed Ermac.
I've seen some of these awakenings in the cards. Akuma, Ryu, Sakura, and Ken transform into their dark sides. What I don't know is...will there be two dark sides, or will they each merge and form their own separate demon?
"Hey, Rose! Whatcha thinking?"
"Wha? Oh, hello Guy."
"Is that all you have to say to me, `hello?' Isn't there anything else?"
And what would you like me to say? I'm glad that you are able to move on your own free will, considering the pounding you took," Rose replied, half sarcastically.
"Ouch! Why'd you have to bring that up? I liked it better when you said I have a whole in my head."
Rose smiled, and hugged Guy, saying, "You know, you can be a real pain at times. Then, you redeem yourself with your funny, though somewhat warped humor. I like that. It's a refreshing change from always being so serious."
Guy looked at her, and answered, "You know, I could swear some other lady told me that. I just can't recall who. Maybe a little walk in the moonlight will help my memory."
"Hm, I think you are asking me out for a date. I believe that is the worst pick-up line I have ever heard in my life, Guy! Couldn't you come up with something better?"
"What can I say? It was an `on-the-scene' sorta thing. So, let us be on our way," and Guy took her arm in his, and they walked.
They were out, alone, and under a full-moon. The breeze that rustled through the trees seemed to sing a classic love song. A song of a man and a woman, surrounded by a chaotic world, yet it matters nothing to them, for they are with that special person. Not just a one-nighter, but a person whose soul is one with theirs. No matter what happens, they will be united and unbreakable. Even as time takes its toll, they are the only one for each other; their love, heart, and soul is for them to share. For those who say do not listen with your head, but with your heart and soul are wrong. We must listen with ALL of our very being. Then, perhaps, we will truly understand the person we love and want to love us.
"I was just thinking, Rose. We have a lot in common. We both seek a sense of bringing justice and righting wrongs. We both seek knowledge and power from within our cores, as well as from nature. I could go on - it's really uncanny, ain't it?"
"Perhaps it is meant to be," Rose suggested, "something really special."
"Say, now I know where I heard that from! Rena said nearly the same thing to me."
"Rena? How well do you know her?" Rose asked, as she was beginning to wake up from her ideal dream of hope, and reawaken into the harshness of reality.
"Oh, I thought you knew. Rena's my fiancee. She said that to me just before all of this madness began. We'll be getting married soon!"
"Oh, I'm happy for you. Rena's a lucky girl. You'll make a fine couple," she said, reverting to her tone that she took when talking about the fate of the world, and saving it from chaos.
"Woah! I must have really missed something. You sound like somebody just died! What's with that? You actually do like me? I'm real sorry, but my heart is for Rena. I'm sorry if I hurt you."
Rose said nothing, she merely looked at Guy, her little dream for a life away from her duties, fading into nothing. She had no idea of what to say or do. Her mind ran in trillions of directions, motions, and thoughts. Some crashed into others, some merged in with others, while some obliterated others. One of the more dominating thoughts - alone!
They walked back, now accompanied by a silence which was mostly reserved for the dead. The breeze still blew, but if it sang, no one heard it. The moon seemed to have lost it's shine. Everywhere, all that had been full of life was now gone. A dark cloud covered their beings.
The two were now back, amongst the others, yet none of it mattered. Now, everything seemed to be a void. Neither knew what to say or do, other than to keep walking. What could be said? Neither of them knew. What could be done? Everything was a void of emptiness, with no way to fill it.
"Hey, what's wrong with you two? You look as if somebody you loved died!"
"Huh? I didn't know how much Rose liked me, and well, you know about Rena. It's been..."
"I am ok, Guy. Thank you. There is no need for you to worry yourself over me. Now, if you will excuse me, I must retire."
"Hey! I remember you! You are that woman with the Soul-Power! You are awesome!"
Rose brushed it aside, not caring about what some movie star had to say.
"You really know your stuff. It'd be great to work with some one who actually understands how things really are. Can we talk?"
"...I suppose," answered Rose, her mind slowly easing once more as they walked off.
"I owe him one, and Fei Long won't let me forget it!"
This is TOTALLY INSANE! Johnny Cage is back from the dead! There are two Jaxes! I just fought a "possessed" person! There's a god with more power than everyone here put together! If I live through this, I'm taking a long vacation.
I've never in all of my years seen such madness! Several warriors have died, which I would expect with anything related to Mortal Kombat. But people who have died are rumored to come back, not even 24 hours after their death. Scorpion had died long before the first tournament, so, um, I'm not sure about that one. Sindel died shortly after Khan took over her realm, although there isn't anything to say why. It just sort of happened. Well, if I had be married to that - Khan, I'd die too! Then, there's Johnny! He was a pain in the ass, but he, well...GOD! You never appreciate some one until they die. But to have him come back from the dead...
"This is MADNESS! I'd like to tell whoever thought of this to kiss off!"
"That's it, Sonya. Let it all out, girl. It ain't good to hold that sorta thing in. I'll agree; this is madness. If you're going to fry'm, I want a ring-side seat."
"There's only one soldier I know like that. And what brings you here, Jax? Wanting to compare notes with another who got their ass whooped in this tournament."
"Don't go there! That guy wasn't just fighting to win or for saving the Earth. Guile's fighting to take out that Bison guy, who is connected to killing his best friend, who is now back."
"You see? That's the madness I'm talking about. People just don't come back from the dead. It's impossible! At least that is what I thought before I became mixed up in this Mortal Kombat mess! Yet why is it only that certain people seem to come back? Will we come back, or is it the end? Then there was my opponent, Cammy. The girl was nothing short of being possessed! She said nothing, and had a look of death in her eyes. When I knocked her into a hook in the Dead Pool, my stomach turned. Her body flinched from it, yet she didn't even seem to notice it! I knew the only way to stop her was to kill her, before she killed me. I - hesitated, and she knocked the crud out of me. She was then going to throw me into the Dead Pool! The Dead Pool, Jax! It freaks me out just thinking about it!"
"I can imagine girl! Now, if you don't mind, would you leave so that Sonya and I can talk."
"Who the Hell? Me? You? This is getting me shot. I'm literally talking to myself, I think."
"I always knew you would be talking to yourself, Jax. I think you over did it, now that there are two of you, or something."
"Johnny! I, that is, what do you want?" stumbled Sonya, still uneasy with the fact that he was back from the dead.
She wondered what all he knew about her. She had never been one to believe in all of the crap about the afterlife, learning the secrets of all creation, and total enlightenment. Then again, she had never been able to talk with a man who had come back from the dead. It was very unsettling.
Simultaneously, both of the Jaxes told Cage to butt out! This was his time to talk with Sonya. They then turned at each other, and began to argue.
"Don't even try it, you Robocop wannabe! Sonya and I need to talk!"
"Now YOU hold on! We were talking before you butted in! You either leave, or I'll kick your ass!"
"Bring it on! You may have that stuff on you, but I'll rip it off, as well as your arms with it!"
"I'll cut you to shreds! No you don't, Cage! I'll slice you too!"
"A triple-threat match? Two of the guys are different kinds of the same, meaning that they'll be going for the spare. Just the way I like it!"
Without waiting, both Jaxes went for a quake. However, as they were both doing it, they were both shaken down, as was Sonya. Cage expected the move, and leapt over the two. As they got up and turned toward him, he shot a low fireball at 2, and a high at 3. 2 shot a wave at Cage. 3 fired a missile at him, and the second at 2. 2 was taken off his feet by the projectile, whilst Cage ate dirt in trying to avoid the attack.
3 was now near Cage, and was getting set to end this part of the fight, but Cage took him down with a shot to the crotch, keeling over 3. 2 grabbed Cage, and put him in a quad-slam. He then put him in a gotcha face-pound. Cage then retaliated with a Shadow Upper, sending 2 into 3. They got back up, and the three formed a triangle of fury, each keeping the other two in his sight, preparing for what the others might do. Then, a firey explosion sent them flying back. They turned, and saw that it had come from Sonya!
"That's enough! I've had enough of this craziness! I'll talk with Cage now! Jax...Jax, I'll talk with each of you later! This is how I'm going to do it!" with that, Sonya turned and started to walk, before turning back and saying, "Well? Are you coming, or are you just going to stand there with you jaw on the ground?"
Still surprised, Cage followed her, though cautiously.
"Now get this straight: If you so much as even mention it, I won't simply punch you there; I'll BURN it off! That clear?"
"Oww! Yea."
"Good. I have a few questions for you. Let's see how you answer them."