Chapter 37: Our Destiny!
Now, once more, there was a feeling of tension amongst everyone present. Each and every warrior that had participated in this tournament was present, even those that had 'parished.' This was one of the many sources of the tension. Another was that they were now in a complete void. There weren't any stars, woods, cabins--just darkness. Yet all could see as clear as if it were daytime.
Balrog, who had be devoured by trees of the living forest, was now standing around, with not even a scar on him! Ermac, who was plunged into the fiery pits of Hell, didn't even have a trace of burnt flesh or clothing. Some had been broken into pieces, crushed, or even mutilated. Now, they all stood, as if nothing had ever happened. It was very freaky.
Ryu looked at Sakura, and his mind all but exploded. What could he tell her? He couldn't just, that is...he had no idea as to how to deal with this! He'd rather face all Shadowloo, Akuma, Gill, all of Goro's race, Shang Tsung, Shao Khan, and even Shinnok, then to have to confront Sakura, and Chun Li. How could he know what to do?
He wondered if he would have been better off being consumed by his darkness. Then, of course, he knew better. He's a man of honor, and would face it, no matter what. Still, there wasn't anything wrong with forestalling the inevitable, right?
Reptile and the rest of his clan were unsure of it all. They weren't reduced to three? There is five of them? What if they could somehow find another? Would their race finally be bale to rebuild itself?
"First of all, I shall do my best at explaining the reasoning behind this tournament. Perhaps, many of you have heard that there are 'worlds within worlds.' You are such a situation. Your world, in fact, your entire existence, exists as part of a much larger world. This world would be too complex for me to explain. These beings of this realm, wished to see how you would compare against each other. Who would survive, and who would die. This is just one of the many possibilities that exist. There are countless other battles, in countless other realities that could occur. Now, such an event has occurred. It will be written, so that others may view it, and that you may be remembered throughout history."
"Hold it! You are telling us, that the reason we've been fighting, and dying is so that some yahoos somewhere can see what would happen if we met! What type of..."
"This is why, Stryker, I have kept control over these events. In actuality, you have all been under careful control, so as that none of you would actually die. At the exact moment before death, I intervened, in ways to subtle for you to comprehend. To keep it simple, your deaths were hoaxes."
"So why the Hell did we get put through all that crap! The feelings of our friends dying, both old and new, will always be with us! What does that serve?" demanded Sonya.
"It serves as a reminder. No matter how good you may be, it takes but once for you to meet your end. It takes only a blink of your eyes to be dead. Always be aware of your surroundings, and don't try and do what you can't. Also, you have all been fighting for a prize, that could easily be worth killing. If you knew what the power was, many would break the rules, and the fights would not be legit."
"What is the prize?" Ryu inquired, "What have Ken and Rose won."
"Whatever it is they want."
"That's it!? After all that we went through..."
"Sean, shut up!" yelled Sakura, as she slapped him.
"Think, if a mortal is given the chance for whatever they wish. A soul such as Bison, or Akuma, would bring Earth into ruins, under their merciless fists. Whatever freedoms and joys you know, would end. If others beings, like Khan or Shinnok were to win, all parts of creation could be ruined, beyond their delicate stages. Giving their current abilities, they have unleashed mass genocides. If they were to be endowed with such power, their goals would be realized, with nothing able to oppose them."
"Well, I guess you may go first, Rose."
"I have no interest in conquering or such. I have all, but one thing. Bison, brother, I ask you to stop your quest for power. If you do not, then I see your demise in your struggle for power. You are the last of my blood in this life. I want you to remember our roots, and forget this madness."
"So, you would like me to have it so that Bison will do this."
"NO! It has taken me this long; all I wanted was the chance to confront my brother, and to plead with him to forget Psycho Power. He can have so much more, if he would just let go."
"You know I cannot, my sister. Would it not be better for you to join me? With your aid, Shadowloo would rain supreme!"
"I am too late. For this, I regret. I still hope, that of your own free will, you will end your destruction, before it claims you. I can't say anything more."
"Now Ken: What is it that you wish!"
It was asked so suddenly, that Ken, as well as several others, were surprised by it. Many expected more from Bison and Rose. The instant Alpha-Omega brought the attention to Ken, and his wish, the thoughts of the siblings were pushed to the back of their minds. Now, they would see what Ken's wish would be.
"I think, what I want, is to not have to worry about fighting for a while. I want to have a very long, and peaceful get away for my family and I. For a time, I don't want to have to deal with Shadowloo, Akuma, or any of this craziness. I just want to relax, and be with my family, uninterrupted."
"Done! Each shall get as they desire; in time. Now, I send you back to your respective lives. Remember that which you have done here, and be wary of the decisions you make upon your paths to your ends. Much of them will play out, but not in the ways here. Others, may never come to be. For those that 'died,' and even for those who lost, this is your chance to rethink things out. Have you done things as you have wanted them? Perhaps, do you wish to change it? It is up to you! Now, we shall part!"
In a blinding, yet silent explosion, all were thrown back to their respective places, all turned inside-out over their ordeals.
"Kitana?! Kitana!?"
"I am ok, Liu Kang."
"But not for long!" bellowed Shao Khan.
Quickly, 'sides' were drawn. Some sides were surprised by the choices made. Goro and his family didn't really support Earth's Warriors. However, after Khan's aiding Motaro and his race, they terminated their allegiance with Shao Khan, and fought to eliminate the threat to their creed.
The very fabric of existence seemed to be ripping apart, as Raiden and Shinnok tore at each other, ripping up their surroundings with their raw power. Quan Chi was about to attack Raiden, when Fujin came to his assistance, and soccer and god were doing almost as much damage as the two 'elder gods.'
Liu Kang and Kitana were engaged with Baraka and Mileena. Liu Kang fought with a new fire, determined to bring Baraka to justice for hunting down and killing his Shaolin brothers. As for the 'twins,' it was a matter of survival. Mileena was obsessed with merely destroying Kitana. Kitana; it was about being able to live once more.
As for the Reptiles and Chameleons, they quietly left the fray, to look for an isolated spot, in which they could renew their race once more.
"Who are you?" demanded Chameleon.
"I had thought there were no more survivors of my race. Now, that I have seen you, and I know you to be real, I wish to join you."
There, stepping out of the shadows, was a reptilian man, with a sort of mask over his mouth; the one that had served under Shinnok! Somehow, the others seemed to feel that he was genuine, and they proceeded on their way. They disappeared from all known existence. Where they are? None know. They may have finally realized their wish of reforming their race...
What of the fight between the Earth Warriors and the Outworld Forces? As we can guess, the Earth Warriors pulled out victorious, or else we would not be here, telling this story.
Many from each side would fall, before the final victory was claimed. In the end, Liu Kang and his friends stood, though not without heavy loses. Kung Lao could not be found, nor could Kai be seen. The older Subzero, and Smoke, were also not to be found.
Rain, Ermac, Noob Saibot, and Shang Tsung could not be seen. Where they were, and what they had planned, were of great concern to them. But for now, they had much work to do.
A week later, in the light of the moon, Liu Kang was alone, with troubled thoughts.
"What's wrong, Liu Kang?"
"A lot, I'm afraid. Now that this is over, I am...Kitana?? I, didn't..."
"It is this again, my love? Your duty to Earth, and my duty to my realm. It is a very unfair situation, to say the least. I wish there was something we could do."
"Well, why not, my daughter?"
"What do you mean, mother?"
"I am here, am I not? Surely, you think that your old mom can handle our home for the time."
"But that is too much for one person to have to handle!"
"So, we shall help her, my friend."
"Both of us," answered the older one.
"Well, Kitana, what do you say? They've given us some time. Shall we..?"
Before he could finish, she caught him, looked deeply into his eyes, and gave him an even deeper kiss!
"Uuuuhhh! That's the last time I have that many drinks before a mission. My head's real shot. I thought that...CHARLIE! YOU'RE ALIVE!"
"Yep. It wasn't a dream, or something from a hangover. Now, where is..?"
"For now, my friends, I leave you with your thoughts. Shadowloo and I have some things that need addressing. We shall meet, and soon. I promise you that!"
"Bison! Get back here! You've got a lot to answer for!"
"Let him go, Chun Li. We'll nail that bastard, soon enough."
"It isn't soon enough for me, Cammy."
"I will not deceive you Shotokan Students. You have all proven impressive to me. I shall look forward to facing you each, and taking you to your graves!"
"You can try Akuma. Just remember the man who won this tournament! You're flush!"
With nothing other than a nod, he vanished in a blink.
"So, what do we do now?" asked Honda.
"We wait. I've activated my tracer, and the U.N. will be here in a while. I'm going to hate all the BS we're going to have to fill out when we get there."
"Ha! I'll send you a postcard. I'm just beeped my wife, Eliza, and she'll be here before the U.N. can say hello to Shadowloo!"
No one noticed it, but Ryu had silently left the group, and went off to the shore, to take some much needed time to think. His mind was ready to blow, what little he had left.
"Ryu, can we talk?"
"Uh, yes, Sakura."
"I want to thank you for saving my life, that one time. I'm glad I was able to save you, sorta. I have no idea as to how much pain my 'death' may have caused you. I just want you to feel happy."
"Thank you Sakura. I..."
"However, it's time to move on. You need some one who is more of a peer, and not some silly school-girl with a crush on you. You need a girl who can help you reach your true destiny. We both know who it is. There will always be a place for you in my heart. I just hope you may keep a small part of yours for me."
She hugged him one last time, kissed him, and had a hard time letting him go. Finally, she looked into his soul one last time, and went back to the group, taking one final look over her shoulder.
"She is strong, and she'll be able to go on. What about you?"
"Chun Li...I think so. This has been real unnerving. I slipped into a part of me I hope to never see again. I did get a chance to finally say good-bye to Shen Long, and even Goutetsu. Now, I wonder what we'll do next."
"Chun Li! Ryu! Come on! Eliza and a whole swarm of boats are pulling in!"
"Coming, Sean!" answered Chun Li.
"Great! Now we'll have to listen to Ken bragging, again!"
"I thought you'd be used to it. Don't be too tight about it. Here comes the U.N."
Suddenly, Chun Li grabbed Ryu, and pulled him behind a huge dune.
"Chun Li?"
"Our combination-finish was great, wasn't it?"
"Yes, it was."
"So, let's see about a combination victory!"
She interlocked their fingers, and their lips were locked, as their breathing and heartbeats seemed to become one.
"Ken! I knew you would return! I'm so glad to have you back!"
"See, I told you I'd be back, Eliza. Not only that, but I won!"
"Woah! Take it easy, Ken! Don't swing me so hard!"
"Eliza? What's wrong? You loved that."
"Daddy! Mommy said we're going to have a baby soon!"
"Eliza! What a welcome home!"
So, there you have it! This ends MKvSF! The winners are the choices of the voters. I hope it's been as fun to read as it has been to write. I'll soon be posting what I plan to do next! Thank you all for your support! (: