THE Fatal Fury vs Samurai Showdown Epic

THE Fatal Fury vs Samurai Showdown Epic


Canto 13: Riot 1: Aftermath


The first Blood Riot, the one that Charlotte saw the warning for, has occurred.

Ryuji Yamazaki felt his strongest calling yet. He had virtually no control over himself, his senses, or even his identity. That was, at least for the moment, controlled by The Blood.

Everyone at this tournament, no matter which side, good or evil, Fury or Samurai, friend or foe, felt it. Their responses varied, depending on their relationship with Ryuji or others of Orochi, their own goals, or whatever knowledge they had of it.

Garia, Hanzo, Kyoshiro, Galford. Rimururu, and Nakoruru sat or stood in silence, each thinking of what had happened when Ryuji attacked Caffeine and Ukyo. In addition, there was the fact that Mizuki was once again under the control of the demon. This troubled Kyoshiro above all else.

Elsewhere, Haohmaru was training like a man possessed, and possibly he was. Now, it was too much. Amakusa and Zankuro had joined forces and Mizuki was possessed. The first had joined forces with two similar individuals of the twentieth century, Geese and Krauser. Genjuro was coming closer and closer. Had Charlotte not took a gamble on Genjuro, his nightmare may have come true. Not only would his "brother" be killed by that fiend, but the woman he now knew could be the only one for him, was killed before his very eyes. Then, it would be his turn. He stopped a moment to look at them, and went back when her eyes met his.

His two friends sat a short distance from him, each entangled in the chaos that rages throughout their very depths.

Hisame is filled more by confusion than anything else. While he has a vague idea of what's going on, he is still a boy. So much is happening, and all he can do is wonder why. His mind then blinks back to their journey to this - place. He wonders about Rimururu, and he doesn't understand it either. So much for ones so young. How can their young minds comprehend the madness in the world that surrounds them?

Charlotte also wonders about this, and more. Hisame said she had said something like what had happened in a trance would occur, and did. So why could she not recall anything?

Haohmaru had mentioned something about a disturbing nightmare before his match. Now, with all that has happened, he refuses to talk about it, no matter how hard she tries. All he does is work himself up as he is now, taking only time for some basics. The sun has long since set, and she wonders how long he will stay at it. Not for herself, for she knows that she can stay up to pace with Haohmaru, but Hisame can't. He is trying hard, but in time, he will exhaust himself. Tomorrow morning, he must fight the giant, Wolfgang Krauser. She hoped that he would be ok. To fight such a man, no matter how well you are armed, would take a supreme warrior to be able to stand up against him. She looked at him, then at Haohmaru, and smiled. Maybe, the future will hold something.

Tung, Jubei, Bear, and Hon-fu were gathered, each wondering about the Blood, and what had happened to Cheng and Bob. Not far away, Terry, Mary, Mai, Andy, Joe, Kim, King, and Ryo had gathered. The girls were talking with Mary, trying to help with what had, and almost had happened with Yamazaki. It shook her up, hard. She was thinking of it at the time when the Demon reclaimed Mizuki, and she trembles at how close she was to death.

All Terry can think about is the explosion of power from Ryuji. He was right; it was more than Geese's, Krauser's, or even Mars's. He had never felt so much darkness from one man. He truly began to doubt his power. He knew that no matter how strong he would get, there'd always be somebody stronger. The thing was to beat them. Now, it wasn't just about winning or losing, it was survival. If he couldn't beat Ryuji, it may very well end. He shuddered at what would happen to his lover, Mary.

Mary was oblivious to all that was going on around her. Her mind kept repeating the events that had occurred just before her match. Then, when it seemed they would stop, her imagination took over, as she imagined what had happened when she lost conscience and lost to Mizuki. She imagined what had happened, and what may have happened had there not been anyone to watch. Both of these thoughts tormented her, and she had no idea what to do. She thought about getting up, going over to Terry, and taking him to somewhere, anywhere, that they could be alone. Then, she thought of Ryuji, and her mind went back through the cycle.

Then, a burst of hope came to her. In KOF '97, the fights were their hardest yet. Orochi had just awakened, and was ripping apart any who had opposed him. Kyo was seemingly the only one to hold up against him. Then, Terry came in, and a quick Triple Power Geyser staggered the seemingly invincible entity. Then, Ryo shot off a super Haoh Sho Koh Ken. Although Terry wasn't doing all of the work, he, along with Ryo, were faring well against Orochi, considering they weren't of the Blood.

Finally, for whatever reason, Iori came in, and they put Orochi to rest. It may have had something to do with Kagrua, but nobody has said for sure.

All over, everyone was getting ready to bed down for the night. Billy was bandaging himself due to an accident with his fire. He was building it up to a previously unreached level, when he felt the Blood. This time, no Orochi was going to get him, he vowed.

Geese laughed at how well his plans had been going. Elsewhere, Krauser was admiring the near-perfect job Geese had been doing. Only Krauser knew what its flaw was.Mary knew that if Terry could fare as well as he did against Orochi, he could handle Ryuji. With a final breath of relief, she slept, and all was quiet. The coming matches start soon.


Round 1, Fight 7: Krauser v Hisame

"Hisame! Hisame! Wake up now. It's your turn now," a voice seemingly echoed in his head. Was he going crazy, or was it just a strange dream?

"Hisame! Wake up, now!" the voice demanded.

He opened his eyes, shot up, and fell out of his bed. Charlotte helped the disorientated Hisame up. He looked at her, and felt sheepish. Behind her, he heard a girlish giggle. He looked and saw Rimmururu there. Charlotte had her leave.

"Um...Charlotte, well--you don't have to mother me!" he blurted, and then looked down, embarrassed at how he had acted to her.

Charlotte just looked at him, and smiled. She asked him if he knew his fight was just a little over an hour away. Hisame looked at her in disbelief, but a quick glance outside told him she was right. He asked could he have slept in so late.

Charlotte told him that she wouldn't allow anyone in to bother him. If needed, she'd awaken him. He had been up way too long, and she knew he'd need as much rest as he could before his big match.

"Thank you, Charlotte. Is there anything to eat?"

"Why Hisame? Who do you think I am, you're mother? You know where the food is," Charlotte answered, teasing him.

"Oh, yea."

"Hey, is Hisame up yet? Ah, you are. It's about time! Now..."

"Let him eat, Haohmaru! You've seen who his opponent is. He'll need all of his strength, and none of yours, or anyone else's, silliness."

"...Yes, you are right. After you get some food, let's have a little warm-up, ok?"

Hisame was delighted, and got his weapons and headed for the food area. Only a few paces out of his room, Rimururu asked if she could join him for a late breakfast. He looked at her, not sure what to say. Haohmaru told her that that was great, and that they'd join them shortly.

"You know, that boy is kind of like you, Haohmaru."

"Yep. A true warrior, hard working, and lots of potential."

"That too. But also stubborn, clue-less, and wouldn't know if a woman loved him unless she took her blade to your throat," and in a flash, her blade was at his throat, and Haohmaru was totally bewildered.

"I guess I'm not in any position to argue, am I?"

She put her blade back, bent over, and tossed him his sword. She then went to join Hisame and Rimururu. After a moment, he followed.

The time passed quickly (as it always has the annoying way of being) and the match was set to begin.

"Hisame v Krauser; Fight!"

Hisame dashed in with his blade, but was stopped by a hard Blitz Ball, sending him crashing to his back. Krauser leapt at his still downed foe, and was ready to crush him.

Hisame whipped out his umbrella, and began to twirl it. Krauser was knocked out of the air and ripped several times by the razor edged umbrella, falling to the ground with a groan. As he got up, he was knocked over as Hisame dove into him with his umbrella. He then threw it at Krauser, hitting him both going and returning.

"Come on, little boy! Is that all you can do, hide behind your weapons? Pah! You aren't a fighter. You are not even fit to shine my shoes! You are little more than a kid with a big weapon. If you are a true warrior, fight me, hand to hand. Drop your weapons and show me that you aren't an oversized baby!"

Hisame looked at him for a moment, and dropped both his dagger and umbrella. Hisame's good, but is still young, and thus inexperienced. Although he doesn't want to be considered weak, he should have kept in mind that his enemy has done much, including defeating Lone Wolf, Terry Bogard. With such power, it is not always wise to give up to your advantage. Will he live to learn the lesson?

He ran toward Krauser, and Krauser met him with a Blitz Ball aimed at his head. Hisame showed some experience by rolling under it and toward his foe. However, as he rose from the roll, Krauser lifted him up off his feet, and repeatedly rammed his fist into Hisame. Then, he dropped him and told him to "Give it up, Loser!"

Hisame was having trouble staying conscience as the result of so many hard hits, that he made up his mind to take back his weapons. He'd heard that Krauser had been known to kill weak opponents, and he didn't want to be added to the list. Krauser saw what the young lad was trying to do, and let him reach his weapons. As he turned to face Krauser, he was met by a sinister laugh.

"It has been a lovely show, Thank you and good-bye! Kaiser Wave!" exploded Krauser as the power shot forth from him, frying Hisame, and sending him down for the count.

"Winner of Round 1, Fight 7: Krauser!

"You have great potential, Hisame. Perhaps when you've had time to become more experienced, we will have a fine rematch," with that, he motioned for Laurence, who gave him his cape. They then walked away, getting set for the next fight.

"Unnnh! What happened to me?"

"Hold still, Hisame. There, that should help bandage you up. I couldn't bare to see that monster hit you as hard as he did. Still, I'm glad you aren't as bad off as you might have been."

"Ah! Ain't that sweet? The mother's looking after her cute kid!"

"Very funny, Haohmaru! Now, let's leave these two alone."

Before he could ask, Rimururu came in, sat next to Hisame, and said hello and that she's glad he's ok. He said that's easy for her to say, he's the one bandaged!


Round 1, Fight 8: Basara v Geese

"Ah, you are the infamous Geese Howard. There are tales about you. Wonderful and nightmarish tales of you, even generations before you are actually `born.' There are many fine tales from the realm of the dead. You will meet your end, and then I will destroy the foul demon, Zankuro. He will be eradicated for the murder of my love, and my own."

"I don't know what you are babbling about, nor do I care. The sooner we begin, the sooner you will go down in defeat."

"You see? The dead know these things. You are typical of the business world from your time. You care only about your own agenda and your money. It is true, you can't take it with you into death. You care nothing for the poor unfortunates who die all around you; you only seem to care so as to lie to them. This gives them something to hope for. If you take away their hope, then they have nothing to lose. Then, by sheer number, they will all turn against you, not caring about anything other than to end their pain. You know that, so you create that which you do, herding the mindless masses to the point where they no longer care or bother, but just do their damnedest to forget! You raise the stakes higher and higher, sending them to their graves, and your guilt is dead to you! Be ready, for the end is near!"

"A pretty and colorful speech, but a waste. You have altered nothing, and your defeat is inevitable. Violent Wave!" shouted Geese as a long ad high wave a power stormed toward Basara.

Basara merely slipped through the ground, and reappeared behind an astonished Geese, shooting into the air with his blade, leaving a long trail of ripped flesh. It was quickly filled by a long gush of blood, oozing out of Geese. Had he not been so strongly disciplined, and had he not been so prideful, he would have yelled in pain.

Then, he grabbed Geese, and took him into the pit. A few seconds later, Geese was shot out, and fell with a stomach-turning crunch. Basara emerged and began to laugh. Geese shot up, and was going for an air attack, but was met by deep cuts from Bazra's weapon. For a second, Basara seemed to glow, and then ran toward Geese.

"Reppu-Ken! Double-Reppu-Ken!" countered Geese, stopping Basara from his power attack. Geese then lifted Basara up, over his head, and sent Basara into the ground. He then picked him up, and began to choke his foe. He then threw him away, like he did with anyone he considered to be trash.

"Ah ah ah! It's nowhere near being over, old man! You can't defeat the dead this easily! Care to try again?"

Geese stood there, blankly staring at the man who had died, and came back seeking another's death. Whatever was going through the mind of Geese Howard, there was little doubt as to it's goodness.

"Guess I'll come to you now!" and Basara disappeared into his warp again, this time appearing before Geese. Geese had been getting ready, so that when Basra resurfaced, his fists pounded the ground, unleashing the Raging Storm upon Basara.

"Winner of Round 1, Fight 8: Geese!

"Dirt should know it's place!"


Round 1, Fight 9: Genjuro v Ryuji

"Ah, so you're the one who's giving your side's hero, Haohmaru, problems. Ha ha ha! We got something in common. Maybe afterwards, we can have a drink."

"You are nothing! I cannot lose to some one who lives their life in luxury! We have nothing in common!"

"Lighten up, Genjuro! You're almost as stiff as that dead guy, Basara. Just take it easy, and have a little fun. After all, the heroes' time will come. Then, when it does, they'll meet their demise!"

"You don't care if Terry lives or dies. You are infected with a desire for his woman. If I was her, then you would target me. You change as the wind; you have no discipline. This is your flaw, and why you will lose. My goal is to destroy Haohmaru, not to seek some woman. I care nothing for those around him, they are only obstacles. His boy is nothing, for I don't care if I throw him into a tree or a man of extreme power pounds his face in, it is nothing. As for his woman, I'll kill her if she gets in my way again. I've waited too long to kill Haohmaru, it happens before this tournament ends!"

"Forget what I said. You're even stiffer than Basara!"

"Foul scum! You dare to ridicule me? You will die! Save a place for Haohmaru!"

"That's more like it! These people came to see a good fight, so let's give them a show!"

Genjuro took a slice with his blade, and sent a purple projectile at Ryuji. Ryuji just stood there, smiling. In a quick motion, to fast for the eye to follow, he seemed to swat it back into Genjuro, knocking him back as he cursed. Ryuji then whipped Genjuro, once low, once to his mid section, and once across his face, flooring Genjuro. As he stood up, Ryuji took four quick slices at Genjuro with a concealed dagger. He then looked at his blade, and saw that it had a lovely shade of red now applied to it.

"Ah, what's wrong, comrade? Were you expecting me to be an easy target like some of the other weaklings that are `on my side?' Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm the one that'll be kicking ass! Don't feel bad, you won't be the first to lose, and you won't be the last to die! What the - cards?!"

Genjuro threw some card-like objects at Ryuji, and as they connected, he ensnared Ryuji is his POW! He began with a series of cuts. Then, they were somehow suspended in mid air as he continued to cut into Ryuji. The ground below was covered in red as the blood from the two rained down on it like a fierce hurricane. Ryuji fell to his back, and coughed blood. Genjuro landed on his feet, and then flinched in pain. Whatever it was that Ryuji had whipped him with had (at the very least) caused a severe sprain in his left ankle. This was an injury he couldn't risk. There's too much at stake, and he won't die until he destroys Haohmaru. He looked and Ryuji as he heard a mad laughter, and saw that his enemy had arisen, and was looking dead-on through a blood-soaked vision.

"Now...that was good! I...really liked that! Shows you have a lot in you. I didn't want to be disappointed. Such power, wonder if the arena can hold us, eh?"

"I know not how you can still stand, let alone live, but it ends!"

"Party Pooper! Come now! We are both getting into this, let's drag it out and add some excitement!"

"I care nothing for you and your demented mind games! What you do is of no concern to me! You will die! Then, Haohmaru..."

"Yadda yadda yadda! Shit! The way you keep talking about him, one'd think you're in love with him! We've heard your poor sob story. GROW UP! Me, I don't usually try to disappoint, but this fight isn't ending this soon! You want to end it, try me! Bring it on! If you do, just know that it'll leave you open for your own demise!" and without giving away anything, he shot into the air, grabbed Genjuro, and began to drive him along the ground. He then hesitated, seemed to go in a seizure, pounded Genjuro, and then punted him.

Ryuji then slid in with his dagger, but to his surprise, Genjuro caught the blade between his hands, and slammed Ryuji on his head. Not waiting for his foe to arise, Genjuro took a wide range of cuts, slices, and thrusts into the downed Ryuji, each one creating a louder scream of pain from his weakened foe.

"Well, it was fun, Ryuji, but now, it must end good-bye!" and he lifted his blade high above his head as he had done in Haohmaru's dream, and made ready to deliver the death blow! Just at the last second, Ryuji rolled out of the way.

Enormous power was breaking out of and through all of Ryuji. His eyes quickly shifted from a bright, white glow, to a blood red glow. It was a feeling not unlike the one Iori had felt from 1996. The time is approaching once more, but without any of the clans, can Orochi be stopped? Or is this the ultimate agenda?

Ryuji tackled Genjuro with a rush of adrenaline, fueled by the power of Orochi. He repeatedly pounded into Genjuro, and while Genjuro had scored several successful hits with his blade, they seem to have no effect on the now possessed Ryuji. Finally, he took his own dagger, and threw it, knocking Genjuro's out of his hands. He grabbed Genjuro by the back of his head, and in a fiery explosion, their heads butted, and Genjuro sank to his knees. He was breathing heavily, and slumped over. Ryuji may have to...but the power of Orochi was too much, and he was no longer in control of his self.

"Winner of Round 1, Fight 9: Ryuji!

Ryuji simply laughed in madness, drunk with Orochi Blood.

"Ryuji! Damn you murderer! You killed them, all four of them! Bob, Cheng, Ukyo, and my uncle, Caffeine! I don't care what it takes, but you will die, NOW!"

Geese and Krauser had several of their men restrain the enraged Garia, while some of his friends tried to calm him down, saying that if he tried now, he'd die before he could right the wrong. Wait, his time will come. It is such an easy thing to say, but when our emotions, passions, and desires take control, little else matters. Finally, order (?) was restored.

Later that afternoon, the entire countryside was alive with what had happened. While Krauser's and Geese's wins were talked about, the big talk was Genjuro and Ryuji. The second Awakening. This time, it was very violent. The four he had attacked were now dead. Unfortunately, the only thing that could be done was to preserve them in a cold shack.

"Terry! I've thought of something that I think should give you hope!" Mary then proceeded to retell the events that had played through her mind the night before.

"That's right! You still have a scar from one of Orochi's POW's, don't you, Ryo?"

"Uh, yea, King."

"You see, Terry! Mary's right! If you can fare that well against Orochi himself, then you can deal with Ryuji. We all have faith in you!"

"Thank, you Mai."

"If the time comes, Charlotte, Hisame, and the rest of us will help in any way possible, Terry."

"This is starting to get very interesting, isn't it?" concluded Galford.